Trade and Freeze
Our main activity is marketing pelagic fish, fresh and frozen, with particular emphasis on exportation.
The process begins with the purchase of fish, directly at the fish market or from suppliers, which is carried to our facilities. Then, in the factory, the freezing process is begun (in brine or in a freezing tunnel /forced-air freezing) or packaging the fresh fish is accomplished. These processes are preceded by fish calibration and/or sorting of fishes according to species, when necessary.
Subsequently, dispatch is made, usually through our lorry fleet or, in rare situations, by the buyers themselves.
In parallel, there is the possibility to provide only the freeze service.

Coastal fishing (seine-haul fishing) is practiced and the caught fish is sold at the fish market. Our fleet has a significant role in Olhão harbor and it is composed by two vessels:
Flor da Beira
Built in 1987, it belongs to the company since 2006 and it was our first fishing unit, having suffered several improvements since then.
Key features:
- Overall length: 22,62 m
- Gross Tonnage (GT): 58,39
- Main engine: Badouin 301, 56 KW
- Port of registry: Olhão