

Sardina Pilchardus


Sardina Pilchardus

It is characterised by its bright tone and large amount of scales, which form the so called “silver tubes”. It is a much appreciated species in the Portuguese gastronomy.

Atlantic mackerel

Scomber Colias

Atlantic mackerel

Scomber Colias

It has a compressed and elongated body and is abundant in catches made throughout the year. In addition to being used for human consumption, it is also intended for aquaculture feed and is used as bait in the capture of some marine species.

Atlantic Bonito

Sarda Sarda

Atlantic Bonito

Sarda Sarda

It is a species very often confused with tuna, its flesh is rosy and it forms large shoals of fishes. This species eats small fishes, invertebrates like squids and shrimps and even members of their own species.

Horse mackerel

Trauchurus Trauchurus

Horse mackerel

Trauchurus Trauchurus

It has very developed and thorny dorsal, tail and pectoral fins. Along the body and at the midline level, it has a special layer of saw shaped scales. It usually swims in large shoals of fishes and in a moderated depth. It is a widely consumed species in our country.

Blue Jack Mackerel

Trauchurus Picturatus

Blue Jack Mackerel

Trauchurus Picturatus

It is different from the previous species due to its elongated and cylindrical body, its darker colour and narrower lateral line.


Auxis Ehazari


Auxis Ehazari

Silver species caught mainly during the summer and autumn.


Engraulis Engrasicholus


Engraulis Engrasicholus

It is a bluish fish and has a very intense aroma. Its popularity gives it a high commercial value in the market, either fresh or salted anchovy (semi canned).

Chub mackerel

Scomber Scombrus

Chub mackerel

Scomber Scombrus

It looks like Atlantic mackerel, but its tone is different, it is clearer, and it has a striped loin. Such as tuna, chub mackerel swims quickly and continually, making long-distance migrations. It is a shoaling fish.

Bonito tuna

Katsuwonus Pelamis

Bonito tuna

Katsuwonus Pelamis

It represents one of the several varieties of tuna, with a robust body; it has rosy flesh and strips along its ventral zone. Tuna has an elongated and spindle-shaped body, a large and elongated mouth and a forked tail fin.


Micromesistus Poutassou


Micromesistus Poutassou

This is a greyish fish that presents an elongated body. This species is very abundant in northeast Atlantic and it is caught with trawl nets.


Sepia Officinalis


Sepia Officinalis

Cephalopod characterised by its camouflage skills, superior to the chameleon’s. It has an internal shell, an ink sac, eight arms and two tentacles. This species is more abundant during the spring and summer.


Octopus Vulgaris


Octopus Vulgaris

It is a marine mollusc with eight arms and strong suction cups around its mouth. The octopus has no internal or external skeleton and its capacities of ejecting ink and camouflage are its main means of defence. It has a high commercial value in the market.